Diversify your portfolio with West Lake
Join our exclusive, strategic, and SEC-regulated investment opportunity. Our seasoned team of real estate & financial professionals has meticulously selected and begun developing the West Lake property—a build-to-rent (BTR) community near vibrant Gainesville, FL.
We project that West Lake will provide:
- 8% Preferred Return
- 18–24% Targeted Return
- Passive Income Distributed
"We are genuinely excited about the potential of Real Street Build To Rent Fund I and are committed to supporting you in this capital raising journey. Your success is our success, and we look forward to seeing the fruition of your efforts."
— David Lee Founder and CEO of
Inside the Offering Brochure
As an introduction to the West Lake property and its build-to-rent (BTR) investment opportunity, we assembled an in-depth offering brochure.
If you are already interested in learning more about the opportunity over a video call, please reserve a time on our CEO’s calendar.
Discover the property
See photos and explore how these spacious rental homes appeal to renters—complete with tasteful fixtures and room to roam.
Understand the process
Whether you are a seasoned investor or an individual new to real estate investing, we explain how the West Lake opportunity works for you.
Gain new investing insight
Sharing our research, we present information about the booming single-family rental (SFR) market and build-to-rent (BTR) growth.
Get to know the area
We provide background on the Gainesville, FL, area where West Lake is located—as well as a compelling comparison to another similar suburb.
Learn why West Lake shines
In contrast to traditional rentals, we meet tenants’ needs with professional management, modern conveniences, and more.
Meet the RSC team
When you invest with Real Street Capital, you join us as a partner. Learn more about our leadership, their experience, and what we stand for.
Targeted rate of return
Profit split in favor of investors
Preferred passive income
While we strive to present accurate and reliable financial projections, there can be no assurance that any of the assumptions in the projections outlined above will be accurate. The projections are subject to inherent limitations and are based on information available at the time of their preparation. They may be affected by subsequent developments or changes that were not anticipated.